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Data Charts for Halibut

Halibut thumb medium

Listing All Entries for Halibut from Largest to Smallest

Angler Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
fuzz 46.0 May 31, 2014 Img 0047 thumb Img 0048 thumb Img 0049 thumb New personal best halibut. Late afternoon dive with Nate (Spinal Tap). Shallow water diving, it took me for a ride before I could get my hand in the gills to subdue it. Show
prokhk 45.0 September 05, 2019 Img 0462 thumb Img 0460 thumb Img 0461 thumb Fish of a lifetime, gut shot while swimming and it just gave up. 29.9lbs after being bled. Show
BigJim 41.25 July 23, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Show
StinkyPete 40.0 June 20, 2015 Img 0750 thumb Img 0751 thumb Img 0752 thumb Found this while scouting to see if the halibut are coming in. I've put about 8 days in at this point, and this is the only one I've seen so far. Show
IceColdChuck 39.0 July 27, 2014 20140728 182921 thumb 20140728 182958 thumb 20140728 183017 thumb My plastic hawg trough broke, so I used some scrap wood and a measuring tape. As usual I murdered this fish with a 7' Gat-ku polespear, used a flopper tip. Show
BigJim 37.5 July 15, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Show
batt 37.5 July 21, 2014 Hali tail 7 21 14 thumb Hali head dark 7 14 thumb Hali body 7 21 14 thumb Had the bar to myself Show
LiveAlohaKris 37.25 July 10, 2015 20150709 231949 thumb 20150709 231810 thumb 20150709 231836 thumb Show
LiveAlohaKris 37.0 July 28, 2014 Imag0938 thumb Imag0928 thumb Imag0934 thumb Yesssssssss! First Hali! 3 drifts, 2 buts. Smaller one was about 35". Stoked! Show
TheFlyingDutchman 36.75 July 20, 2015 Img 4069 thumb Img 4070 thumb Img 4071 thumb First Halibut went 20lbs! Also shot two others to make a limit Show
Sean_Otter 36.5 July 27, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Great day diving with icecold and Adam415. Some of the hardest paddling I've ever had to do. In the scariest water to dive in. My first halibut! Took me two years to find. Okay vis. Shallow water. Show
BigJim 36.0 April 16, 2022 E8e624aa 1e81 48db 9eb8 ed0dc1911ebc thumb B8f381d1 2a8b 4116 a758 b328396a1fd2 thumb Fd39173e f33a 4cf0 b7c9 146c41930e47 thumb 20 pound fish in cold clear water. Biggest in the 831 for me so far Show
lorikay2 36.0 July 14, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Witnessed by damanij Show
zpearo 35.5 June 08, 2022 Pxl 20220611 162400937 thumb Pxl 20220611 162411765 thumb Pxl 20220611 162407315 thumb First halibut dive of the year Show
StinkyPete 35.25 June 20, 2014 Photo 1 thumb Photo 2 thumb Photo 3 thumb First and last halibut taken by freediving in 2014. Between finding spots, diving, and cursing it took a few days and even with really good intel on which areas to hit it still more than 10 hours to get. Show
sammycheez 34.5 June 01, 2019 Img 7981 thumb Img 7742 thumb Img 5716 thumb Third butt ever :) Show
fuzz 34.5 June 09, 2012 Img 3346 thumb Img 3347 thumb Img 3337 thumb Murky diving in subpar conditions... lucky enough to stumble upon this pair of flatties. :) Show
BigJim 34.25 August 29, 2018 Ebe188dc 9934 4044 a5a3 87f50eb44314 thumb B5073ab9 77b4 4a22 bae4 2d2d52383032 thumb 519eba44 3f8e 4732 baa6 3d11f37663e0 thumb #24 for the year. Biggest so far in the #831 and third biggest overall. Stoked! Show
BigJim 34.0 May 01, 2020 60b2cebc 6fa9 4b1c 8f4f 57e09638869a thumb 30b066aa d839 4837 ae3e 3ecef81356fc thumb 05dd2c01 854a 4001 8483 357d70ebfc5c thumb “Murky diving in subpar conditions... lucky enough to stumble upon this pair of flatties. :)” - Fuzz, 6/9/12... Same except I just got one on this dive. : ) Show
BigJim 34.0 July 03, 2019 3d4ed09f 8af8 4e5d 9955 6eae533c1e4b thumb 52fe26dc 4189 4e62 baed a60dfcb01637 thumb 84d2f70a 4f4f 42fd 9b10 8a2d12d7100c thumb 18 for 2019 Show
batt 34.0 August 18, 2012 Hali 8 18 12 thumb Hali 2 8 18 12 thumb Hali 4 8 18 12 thumb 16# 6oz Show
IceColdChuck 33.75 August 02, 2015 20150806 062331 thumb 20150806 062346 thumb 20150806 062414 thumb Show
BigJim 33.5 July 23, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Show
prokhk 33.25 May 16, 2020 Img 0300 thumb   Show
BigJim 33.25 July 10, 2020 Af8f3169 375b 4b02 8760 a35059227cfe thumb 65031e26 ebfa 4f16 87da 2ff00a0037ec thumb D291a9b7 cb96 4db4 9e12 7997494139fc thumb Not an upgrade but a special dive for me. Got three thick 30+ inch fish in less than an hour while traveling down south to see my in-laws. Convinced that Shicken put me right on top of these 96.5 inches of butt. Thank you Marv!!!! Show
LiveAlohaKris 33.0 June 15, 2016 20160606 125450 thumb 20160606 125432 thumb 20160606 125424 thumb Show
slamson 32.75 November 23, 2021 E800d03b 60a7 485f acb1 cff3d030ee03 thumb E51a8f00 cb9c 4b76 ac36 0ef2e109c15c thumb 2db853a6 a183 4ff0 b527 00d791cd61fb thumb Never thought I’d be upgrading let alone shooting a PB halibut in late November. Never give up on your dreams kids. 15 pounds, witnessed by Jacob aka sanchoooooooo Show
IceColdChuck 32.5 July 25, 2014 20140725 173652 thumb 20140725 173700 thumb 20140725 173709 thumb Show
nelson kwok 32.25 June 01, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb After an hour and a half in the water, just as I had begin losing hope, I spook a nice halibut. Almost squeezed off a shot but held off. Gave a couple hard kicks toward the direction it swam in and dove. Found the same fish trying to settle down and finally put a shaft into it Show
slamson 32.0 June 12, 2021 6f5dd514 06e2 4519 b6be 00ff31f7fc91 thumb 58c953fb 82f2 4892 82b9 70da94cce4c4 thumb 78764f9c d4d4 47c5 989d 8d81430cbccd thumb PB. 14lbs "yeewwww" -Admin Show
Kelp_Creeper 31.25 May 06, 2021 077e8286 7820 4444 9bfd 87bdbf0a4a87 thumb 8774b4ee c6d8 4cc3 b9b2 5e009f768819 thumb 56376ed8 f1b2 443a 926e 8e245b460277 thumb Show
batt 31.0 August 21, 2015 Hali head 8 15 thumb Halibut tail 8 15 thumb Halibut body 8 15 thumb Calif. Show
slamson 31.0 August 03, 2020 871715f0 9e82 4dc6 bbeb fb01e5cf821c thumb   Cookie cutter halibut.. Show
slamson 30.99 July 30, 2020 Ce6bf736 c01c 4391 8112 e77e7c9d97ca thumb   Bad shot placement tore up gill area. Almost lost the fish. Show
DG 30.75 August 02, 2016 Halibut 30.75 thumb Halibut 2 thumb Halibut 3 thumb 5 Days of hunting these butts and this was the only legal one I saw. Slim pickings and crap visibility but able to check this off my species list now. Show
lorikay2 30.5 October 09, 2016 Img 0095 thumb Img 0098 thumb Img 0099 thumb Show
slamson 30.0 June 05, 2022 4afe6979 7e39 4ee9 b30e 1d56406c1bf3 thumb 033e851d 714e 4f79 9537 faa8c5a364fc thumb 14d5b942 4dd2 4593 bf5d 1953c7c6300c thumb Show
slamson 30.0 July 10, 2019 C4827967 b61d 4c67 ab54 a19313904faf thumb 1fe8c11b b2e9 49e3 81f3 729f0149e5d9 thumb Ccc5da2a 9735 4589 adcb e91d0ca403e0 thumb New PB Show
slamson 30.0 July 13, 2020 64db8ea5 cd06 4d58 9381 d6feff605230 thumb   .5” upgrade. 10.9 pounds, new PB Show
DamaniJ 29.75 July 20, 2015 2015071995184616 thumb 2015071995184643 thumb Screenshot 2015 07 21 10 12 43 thumb Bad shot on overall fish Show
axeroll 29.75 March 27, 2021 5f275271 d715 443d 9bcc f7e44075fc1f thumb   Show
BigJim 29.75 July 07, 2019 0d2ecc9f c7d7 434f a9a7 9c9806cc6cf2 thumb 75445fec 56c4 4eeb 8461 290a00681826 thumb E68cba04 c0c9 42f4 bc44 d530a53a4e37 thumb 24, 25, 26 for 2019. Explored some new ground off kayak. Biggest one had a jig stuck in its mouth lol Show
BigJim 29.5 August 30, 2013 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Finally!!!!!!!!!!! Show
Adam415 29.5 July 27, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb First halibut! Got a pair today. Show
BigJim 29.5 July 03, 2019 3df8030a 2a85 450c 9b60 3a611373c15b thumb D0c9ac03 e78a 4bdc b03f a22e86cf021a thumb 78132c82 7726 46e5 8ff3 f6dc759c0356 thumb 20 for 2019. Solid limit. : ) Show
zpearo 29.5 August 15, 2021 Screenshot 20210816 112447 thumb   Show
slamson 29.5 July 11, 2020 1bba702e ac6f 46e7 b2da 88ab01a0324f thumb 3a3b6e19 13ab 4fcc 8659 b6bd39710ab9 thumb  Upgrade Show
BigJim 29.25 May 28, 2018 73a9105f b072 49e5 b166 05f9b52a1701 thumb F9acfe59 46bc 4ee0 aedc 3462c35e11be thumb B65f60b0 0a9d 4161 83f0 33eda6a65332 thumb Show
prokhk 29.25 May 30, 2019 Img 0112 thumb Img 0110 thumb Img 0111 thumb Show
BigJim 29.0 July 06, 2019 76e607e5 ac6b 4bad 8fa4 8d8bf32c6846 thumb C7e1150a 88b8 423b 9daa 856ec7d5d681 thumb 720c16de 7145 4fb9 befb ae2835f9aae1 thumb 21, 22, 23 for 2019. Show
BigJim 28.5 May 24, 2018 77ca5ee9 177a 4f55 8c3e c67672cb438a thumb 63dcce7c 8d0a 4b41 a0fb c6947b7b1b19 thumb D7df94fa 1e4c 4a78 ab73 9c1dd2cc5560 thumb Show
BigJim 28.5 May 14, 2019 15affee1 6da9 4f8e accf 37a1123c89b6 thumb B8e5bb9d 4d3f 4575 973a 7b69a60a69d1 thumb 65d9aedf e069 4cd6 94a7 290bbabef721 thumb Number 7 for 2019 Show
BigJim 28.5 August 02, 2019 82a5bc8d 76f0 4ed9 a2b6 ccce2fae3b4f thumb B05e65e9 60f0 4e27 9e36 fda45c583d7d thumb A7f92004 cc23 4fab 8ec4 4fe4dfb2d533 thumb #28 for 2019. Show
jggers 28.25 December 05, 2021 D058075a cabc 431b bfba 11b507358c47 thumb   Show
BigJim 28.25 July 17, 2019 536f30d5 4608 4c87 888b b03dbb2c90db thumb D552cfc0 da6b 4728 bc95 f279ec3db6d6 thumb 83a320f4 b554 4783 95dc 18e1b95c0000 thumb Grumpy chunky butt taken on a late night solo mission. Had to work hard for this one... Number 27 for 2019, 701 inches of butt this year so far. Lolz Show
BigJim 28.0 June 06, 2018 C29ac091 26f1 4edb a9c5 0b16f5f8c9d7 thumb Fe0a2065 ecea 49a2 ba1c 5f61a6ad1df5 thumb 6eea3014 d51b 4357 9590 4f0ab9cc591e thumb Show
BigJim 28.0 June 09, 2019 Eee51f8f 05a6 4dfc bef6 e04cf4b74fbe thumb Eb7ba9ae 6bcd 40a2 bf3c 29e41d50e269 thumb 3633ff96 57c5 4952 b03d 3b5cd8a5a7bb thumb #12 for 2019. Show
zpearo 28.0 August 08, 2021 Screenshot 20210809 134628 thumb   Got my first limit today and spotted what turned out to be a starry flounder for my buddy! Show
slamson 27.75 July 01, 2019 B2a2adcc 4029 466e 8efb 861d4a7c0bcd thumb 9c1fedc4 ab40 4f16 b8ae b617616b69d8 thumb 333e0f9a 5e51 4a91 9c3a 49d7facd9b5f thumb Upgrade Show
Adam415 27.5 July 20, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Show
BigJim 27.5 June 02, 2018 78954ec2 dd2f 46f9 b319 ee80d3c91b46 thumb Db62be5c 2e23 4ad0 816b a0bc5a13eb1c thumb 33b4aeb5 165f 4aa8 a855 de019b69d8b3 thumb Show
BigJim 27.5 June 30, 2018 Eb202fac 70b0 4ac0 9cc4 fdcdbc635ed7 thumb 2883ad53 c489 4ad0 8955 4f658877be39 thumb A0e4936d e56f 4b43 8aad 9a2d72bdbe5c thumb Last day of June. #11 for 2018. Only legal one I had a shot at for 8+hours of diving. Dive 630-130. Took an hour break and had a few beers. Jumped back in and finally found this one. Show
BigJim 27.5 July 11, 2017 Img 6118 thumb Imageeight thumb Fillettop thumb Show
BigJim 27.5 August 31, 2019 1a93ea1a af6b 424b 97eb adb000bd6797 thumb 6217085d 1da9 45b3 b190 b92d566c4a70 thumb 1ba04335 9a9e 4846 982d 8178549a4b56 thumb 31 and 32 for the year. South of Monterey on way to Bakersfield. Show
BigJim 27.25 September 05, 2018 6d6dbcab 4752 4eb9 84ac c109301cbbab thumb E5840d14 7c05 454c b5ee e41b6ecf6a89 thumb Fb69aed1 6ab3 4747 a1fc e24878ac33a3 thumb #25 for 2018 Show
BigJim 27.0 June 26, 2019 694f1b01 1d8e 487b 8424 60fe5211699b thumb 672c31d2 4977 4d53 be56 dba981c06f10 thumb F7d1ddef 271a 414d b810 d23f07eaf987 thumb 14, 15, 16 for 2019. #16 was my 50th lifetime speared butt. : ) Show
zpearo 27.0 July 02, 2021 Screenshot 20210702 190950 thumb   First halibut! Show
BigJim 26.75 July 27, 2018 Fd495533 d4d2 4c61 8325 831129608386 thumb 6fd4ee99 9715 4a43 b9b3 dac3a641ddb4 thumb C551175a 68f4 4343 8589 b87e02246445 thumb #16 Show
BigJim 26.75 August 10, 2018 5aae777b 12f4 4bc5 8a13 1a29ba29fe8e thumb 74eeb3f0 5a67 4a58 bbb3 8c7a44584acc thumb 67eecbc0 adad 42f2 8dda c91e8b7c0d6d thumb #20 and 21 for 2018. Show
BigJim 26.75 July 03, 2019 5aaa9889 12c3 4d31 a48c 3338b55b8e5d thumb B550dad8 9ab1 411e 9951 a8012ce7b835 thumb 1d33167a fcfa 4ff5 bb90 e3320fc91b27 thumb 19 for 2019 Show
BigJim 26.75 September 18, 2019 Ef300a34 2e8b 498f a764 665263a58b95 thumb 82ad28f2 9b55 4550 ab82 f0d553f98ca2 thumb 884cd268 f275 486e 8f3d 8897d9f5b204 thumb 36th (and last) butt of 2019. Show
Deke 26.5 August 04, 2015 Deke1 thumb Deke3 thumb Deke2 thumb Show
BigJim 26.5 May 15, 2018 E8d24422 5f49 4412 8131 4d74dc2ca28b thumb Fb8c82b6 3fa3 4bf0 928c 5139e87650c3 thumb D4ee7834 83f2 4534 8045 facba59b37c9 thumb Show
BigJim 26.5 May 14, 2019 F4913479 2f5a 4cee 9e28 004efd0d832c thumb Cce6c63a 0b6d 4b9f af48 796489dbc98d thumb D8f7d8a6 b7ff 4ec5 a4b9 bf2e042a43be thumb Number 6 for 2019. Show
BigJim 26.5 August 30, 2019 35f915cc 748c 45b3 a30e b75b61625098 thumb 24e60030 c641 4773 b5e0 56ef754462df thumb F8566bc4 a3a6 4862 8386 44ace0411ab0 thumb #30 for 2019. Had to head south and hunt deeper to escape the redtide in the #831. Show
joe_green_waters 26.5 July 20, 2020 20jul20halibut thumb   Show
BigJim 26.25 May 30, 2019 6409af06 c36a 4841 b636 44555310b87a thumb F681c779 576d 46fb bf9f 99be53d93097 thumb De577e9d 82f9 4b65 82c9 ad673c2e729a thumb Number 10 for 2019. Show
BigJim 26.25 September 13, 2019 0fa803ed 7ac5 4460 810c 64f77e89615f thumb 6e78ce74 676a 4e24 9a0b a43690d5a0d8 thumb 6fcfc459 f112 4264 84fb 85eb12c4e4a8 thumb 33, 34, 35 for 2019. Show
slamson 25.75 June 02, 2019 79a8df0f 1ffe 4ece a8e2 45d74670cd63 thumb Cc048093 ccc6 4b28 b547 6baa520bbfdc thumb B3463d0f 12a2 4805 9bd8 8c0a63b9b0b0 thumb Show
TheKeeneroo 25.75 September 10, 2018 Img 3717 thumb Img 3716 thumb Img 3715 thumb Finally! Show
BigJim 25.5 April 25, 2019 D7d4ec52 345a 4e46 b72c 65fe8ca2f9ea thumb Bec3f3e0 4b96 4ac4 8c8a 247ddae000ee thumb A7166ba8 5ffb 4fad af1d 21d7440394ce thumb Show
BigJim 25.5 August 22, 2018 Bb8920dd 5257 4abb 95c2 222b701e79b3 thumb 266c308c d21e 46c3 889b de856a6fae41 thumb E860ab56 49c0 4312 92f4 58dd876c2a91 thumb #23 for 2018...Still trying for a big one... Show
BigJim 25.5 September 13, 2018 De798eb5 0f55 4c0d 9072 f89f2e20abf2 thumb F135d9f5 61b6 4852 8def 9fb621621499 thumb 2d37e97f 4620 46ef b048 d5e43d3cb330 thumb #26 for 2018 Show
McLovin 25.25 May 05, 2021 8bbec552 ff0d 4c46 b9e8 cdd18a403ebe thumb 3a17373a 290b 43fd a405 f928fcf88641 thumb A04dd458 931f 4ff9 9948 753ef19a8568 thumb Show
BigJim 25.0 May 30, 2019 1519a42a 7b37 4508 a7a7 80cc4d8aec13 thumb 5465603c 2d82 4a09 bff2 d837f88f1c95 thumb 3e4c885a 4262 4115 a5f1 7a3de404bd2b thumb Number 9 for 2019 Show
BigJim 24.75 May 08, 2018 025a7be4 6c1b 4c43 8194 c3dcbf49b4ae thumb A173b9ec 06e5 495c b083 f33c08672843 thumb Fe222e52 cac9 4a56 82cb 9b573a56b96d thumb First of 2018 : ) Show
slamson 24.75 July 07, 2018 D29af88d 1934 4735 ab64 6a96c128ee23 thumb D18f3c02 4349 4ff0 9287 e3757e2997eb thumb 22419055 9714 4dd4 aff1 9ba5078090cc thumb Show
BigJim 24.75 June 04, 2019 E5c11988 161a 4031 a443 8958320cd4b2 thumb D3714cf2 60ef 473d 9719 24299207795e thumb E2b6a9de 95ec 4edb 8774 6b741920b98d thumb Number 11 for 2019. Show
BigJim 24.75 August 31, 2017 Brucesbutt thumb   Taken while site was down. Show
BigJim 24.75 August 26, 2019 4e5904b9 56e2 4d8f 918a 0d8539ffc82a thumb 4b8821ce 6dfa 4a77 81ee f9e3607b43e6 thumb 076b119a 4a31 4566 a196 6af2d93f2341 thumb #29 for 2019. Ended a five dive skunk streak and celebrated with a Family PhoFest. Show
BigJim 24.5 April 17, 2019 10358db9 36f4 4084 ab4a 4046ff2b3b97 thumb 6f221894 7c60 41b5 9a90 0d7dab7aa194 thumb A74bc422 76c5 4274 a37e bb7baee11dd3 thumb First of 2019. Show
BigJim 24.5 September 13, 2018 88f476b4 0ed2 48ac bf61 ea10dd0f3619 thumb 5f9b336f 1ab7 4bf4 87f6 df664448585f thumb 10fc8f02 4e77 4a25 b052 6525c0a77dfd thumb #27 for 2018. Show
slamson 24.25 May 25, 2020 C67fa4a7 e8be 4969 a034 722a27bab379 thumb   It’s a start Show
BigJim 24.0 June 06, 2018 69191bcc 416a 4678 8e19 35969be4cb6e thumb 7e02e689 abef 4efe 92e5 1f03eb0e4ea3 thumb 5887c711 4e91 47d2 aec6 4ac70f18aabf thumb Show
BigJim 24.0 July 06, 2018 13 thumb Noghtdivescore thumb Threebutts thumb 12, 13 and 14 for the year. Show
BigJim 24.0 July 27, 2018 64690dd8 9588 4784 b178 2a4371b62e90 thumb 216c2b45 15c1 4ccb aa7f ff89cd153570 thumb Cb09ed71 59ff 44a4 9782 3b021829c2fd thumb #18 First limit for me. : ) Show
BigJim 24.0 May 24, 2019 2de6d26b 6cc0 4028 b9c3 17789ef4309e thumb B635bb92 bb08 4cd3 8032 e16f26b80ff2 thumb 9bc98fbd 05e2 4aff ad09 1b8829168b78 thumb #8 for 2019 Show
BigJim 24.0 June 27, 2019 4b74a767 7c2f 466c 9363 61a43b7f415a thumb Cb6870bb 672c 4765 8f1e d83466b32ed0 thumb 7100a7e6 51d5 4f65 9c9f b1b7827635a6 thumb 17 for 2019. A rare headshot for me. ; p Show
BigJim 23.5 July 27, 2018 189fa664 4cbe 45da bdc0 b222b4cc5063 thumb 0802b424 2ab6 49de 88a5 441bd35ff1ac thumb B45f9ad4 6cc2 46b8 9dc1 ddcf49534fbd thumb #17 Show
BigJim 23.5 May 14, 2019 0e62ba63 ae86 40f1 80e2 2d2bc206b0ea thumb 7f597d7c c1fd 4416 8ada 5b5fde2facc6 thumb 1bf4b641 149d 4ccd a4d5 e1c26e3105aa thumb Number 5 for 2019 Show
BigJim 23.0 May 03, 2019 A17fd42e 92ce 43f4 89a1 fad63765a51c thumb 9b7c482e 8b67 4939 bc3b c025c1e0eb62 thumb 3fe2d235 c39b 486a b1c0 2a177e8ea1ba thumb #3 for 2019 Show
BigJim 23.0 May 09, 2019 E638f7cf 1e30 4017 90ae e827f9a9fe1b thumb 75d33236 8eea 4752 b350 bb3144240915 thumb D6dc98d5 0d1b 4845 bd5b 72afd5b8d2ea thumb #4 for 2019 Show
BigJim 23.0 August 20, 2018 01853e24 ca1e 400b ad6a edeef9a731d3 thumb 1a8390c6 3414 41eb 83ff ac61a4ef1077 thumb E9595fd4 0cb2 4405 b691 5a9436b6b12e thumb Another little one, but stoked on my first TriggerFish! #22 for 2018 Still looking for a big one. Show
BigJim 22.5 June 02, 2018 4a715119 b4b3 43a3 8103 eaa8a320d17f thumb 66297472 b61a 41ee 87e1 27ec4770eb1e thumb 7d172ce1 939b 42ae 9414 61feefe92ed1 thumb Show
BigJim 22.5 August 01, 2018 2f288f8f b8b0 49b4 91ae 75705036b2b4 thumb 479ff295 a754 480a bd41 1a865c4d6d78 thumb Bbff12c4 a64f 4367 8a71 ad96bb338bad thumb #19 for 2018 Still looking for da biggun. Show
BigJim 22.25 June 18, 2019 A40fac7f cb77 4622 b1c7 b0354b472541 thumb 8bed6556 d968 4d27 b345 b84c045f6ae6 thumb A7ca7375 6dec 4316 bc85 3aeaaa8c9d62 thumb #13 for 2019. Butt taken on the way out of the #831, PB calico and scallop and baby sheep taken down in the #805 two days later. Show
BigJim 22.0 May 08, 2018 B869c28e 7226 446c a16a 48e975746a92 thumb 32a9a274 9db1 4159 8110 9e1c82a1f88b thumb D9351221 3e5f 48e8 88c5 f46720cff54c thumb Little but tasty. : ) Show
BigJim 22.0 June 15, 2018 Fc38f3f7 2bce 43fc 943e 0a823497eed2 thumb 1812c2d5 5b50 4b81 9e56 5767c875e08c thumb 3f1d5faf 4efc 40f1 952c fe6dc3fd4983 thumb Little guy taken in crap viz. Turned into a yummy ceviche. #10 for the year. Show
BigJim 22.0 July 25, 2018 428e6f5f 88ba 4b9d 8cf1 de294387f7c3 thumb 8ee385a8 2fd5 4017 9585 5444450c1760 thumb 9ff03bf4 4e83 4a28 a064 9266ddd4c205 thumb Another little one, but stoked cuz of the horrible conditions I found her in. She spooked right when I saw her but managed to shoot her in the tail lol. #15 for the year Show
BigJim 22.0 September 06, 2017 Chunkybuttmullet thumb Barelylol thumb  Taken while site was down. Show
BigJim 22.0 October 26, 2019 04c0860c 3955 42a4 9fb3 d35bf444de81 thumb 54947d4b ce2e 46a4 a3c0 7036d1147685 thumb 58ddd53a 4825 4e75 b69e e20a9de3cfad thumb #37 for 2019. 7 straight months of shooting these guys. Littlest and last of 2019. Done now. ; p Show