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Listing 20 most recently validated catches

(most recent on top)

Angler Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
divenfish Surfperch thumb thumbPerch December 07, 2022 20221207 173218 thumb   Show
divenfish Greenling thumb thumbGreenling December 07, 2022 20221207 172902 thumb   Show
divenfish Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish December 07, 2022 20221207 172619 thumb   upgrade Show
Black_fin Greenling thumb thumbGreenling November 24, 2022 8fe296de 3f72 4517 a6f2 09e725c58e08 thumb E4e4c5aa e4e3 4d88 9d3f 17ee84965286 thumb 436de0e3 1d2d 4c69 a74f 7ca705c79469 thumb Jim posting Halloween ghosts inspired me to go shoot some fish for thanksgiving... I present my Turkey of a Greenling. Show
Shaun614 Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish November 11, 2022 20221111 200213 thumb 20221111 200220 thumb 20221111 200201 thumb PB black RF.. Massive! Show
Black_fin Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish November 11, 2022 F70532cd b4e3 4ef8 b454 6b7efb5aecbb thumb Db0c47dc dcf5 4ced 95b1 260004bfc8b1 thumb 6365da56 142e 4cf3 8505 ea0d8b3e969e thumb Show
divenfish Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish November 11, 2022 20221111 164950 thumb   Show
Sean_Otter Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead November 11, 2022 87633c21 7735 4368 b4aa 141f74200f02 thumb 2e724eeb fe23 42d0 864a e4ba4c028941 thumb  It looked bigger under water. Lol Show
Sean_Otter Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish November 11, 2022 E7ec10fb a905 4143 8f70 eca30e8bb611 thumb 0fd50bfc 8172 46b8 b45f 181e5e44f116 thumb  Great day. Verm Nemo flounder Troy Dallan Ryan Ben/wife. Fish everywhere. This big old guy came swimming in. Show
Sean_Otter Greenling thumb thumbGreenling November 05, 2022 F1349b09 8e3a 4fb1 ab84 83b13ead8102 thumb Ee866595 9b7d 44fe b586 2aa050b4ee7f thumb  Rough day on the water but still fun. Show
BigJim White seabass thumb thumbWhite Seabass October 31, 2022 818954c9 6002 4f5e 92fb 0406651eb659 thumb Dad5dce3 049f 4c0c b023 501ef89d949f thumb Facc9723 d419 4f84 8f41 5d5a152ec743 thumb Halloween Ghost ; p Very grateful to have been able to bring home such a special, beautiful fish. Weighed 57.84 pounds even with an empty belly and no eggs. End of blue board is 49 inches. Show
Sean_Otter Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish October 29, 2022 C58008f7 d007 4ea2 a4c9 f5774f98e87b thumb F7280e46 65ff 4ced 8dd5 03b26daf0c9c thumb  Great day on the water with Kris Morales an Nemo. Look like a bad day but turned into a good day. Show
Sean_Otter Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish October 29, 2022 81f3af65 4595 4876 9d1c 0a7ae931f0e8 thumb 42a04bac 8e58 4e17 ac7d 396b2424d52d thumb  Great day on the water. Swam with a shark. Good Vis super chill. Show
Sean_Otter Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod October 28, 2022 D5a157c7 8ba1 4b38 a0db 9efcf287b2f4 thumb D860521b daaa 4427 9422 20dfbd6411c9 thumb  The water was so clear. As you bomb down these lings would come straight at you. Show
Sean_Otter Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon October 28, 2022 Ad382863 5d3d 40a7 a26f e867b7a5ac5c thumb 5e9bcfcd 5303 432c 9be0 a989c04f3dab thumb  What a great day out with Nemo and Isaac. Isaac second time diving. Pretty awesome he got to 35ft. Vis was epic. So clear and blue. Found this guy in some shallow water. Can’t wait to get more dives in. Show
Sean_Otter Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish October 28, 2022 10607dc7 d1a4 47e8 9bb7 1ad1f92f80cc thumb C40e892b f44c 4b33 8daa 80eaaec18d91 thumb  Show
Sean_Otter Surfperch thumb thumbPerch October 28, 2022 46053fa1 9374 4b96 92a9 0c7e6f8828c4 thumb 7a42ff75 325b 4afb 8abc 848731e9303a thumb  Show
Sean_Otter Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish October 28, 2022 C07d00f2 b8b0 461c 8592 adecdd0bdb7c thumb 496749e3 ba8d 4f6e 9ff0 13644d752418 thumb  Show
Sean_Otter China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish October 28, 2022 Ab6e6566 842c 4be3 9c1f d61aed882b6c thumb 4dc4a3b1 db5e 4e33 9954 afebefa5e9d2 thumb  Show
Sean_Otter Rockscallop thumbRock Scallop October 28, 2022 53b9595b 9988 4498 9114 f2129b25d3d4 thumb   Show
