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Data Charts for Black_fin


Listing All Accepted Entries for Black_fin (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 15.5
(170.5 pts)
November 24, 2022 8fe296de 3f72 4517 a6f2 09e725c58e08 thumb E4e4c5aa e4e3 4d88 9d3f 17ee84965286 thumb 436de0e3 1d2d 4c69 a74f 7ca705c79469 thumb Jim posting Halloween ghosts inspired me to go shoot some fish for thanksgiving... I present my Turkey of a Greenling. Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.0
(184.0 pts)
November 11, 2022 F70532cd b4e3 4ef8 b454 6b7efb5aecbb thumb Db0c47dc dcf5 4ced 95b1 260004bfc8b1 thumb 6365da56 142e 4cf3 8505 ea0d8b3e969e thumb Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 18.0
(162.0 pts)
September 29, 2022 6f772999 bb63 4ff2 87b9 25893a98f5ec thumb 6ad0aef7 88fc 4b87 b226 8c9d104aacdc thumb A67b325d 3e8c 43ed 96df cd2fbfc469fd thumb Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 19.25
(173.25 pts)
September 25, 2022 609ab338 8daf 4805 8859 d9e5e68fb0db thumb 46558491 6b90 485c 8399 2bad2fe53d71 thumb 6e30534f 55e1 41cf be46 0c2bc8f9eb70 thumb At 44’, surgy little day. Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 18.25
(164.25 pts)
December 12, 2021 Bbc5b79c dc2d 4876 ac1b 039480408f6e thumb Aad04d7f d958 4869 aa0b fcf2628acdc6 thumb D8ed9737 4a3d 4c4c a627 02859a515b24 thumb Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 32.5
(170.625 pts)
December 12, 2021 35a2c8f8 a0d7 4cca 9419 5d569ce7d6e1 thumb 15e237c1 0134 4794 93dd 29ed0b4c70e0 thumb 16c17872 ed50 4181 9dc6 57b9d423a990 thumb Show
Copper rockfish fishid2 thumbCopper Rockfish 13.0
(130.0 pts)
December 05, 2021 5430c73f a7e9 49df 9d2e 6d1983eab21b thumb 71a25ba2 dd71 4048 b608 b63a25d97673 thumb  Deep day with john and Cj. Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 26.75
(140.4375 pts)
November 28, 2021 5f5a6f7f 5218 49ea 9175 d7f15fa0d9c6 thumb 63c722d4 094e 43ec 87a1 76f5adf1ecbe thumb E5a836ae 4edd 4e6e bfff 56d549a6efe6 thumb Dove with bond and Cj Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 15.75
(165.375 pts)
November 28, 2021 7b34219b 9833 40e8 acfb 7c5e4addb058 thumb 931d5fa9 2819 490f 8887 33f9847427b2 thumb D32079af 60d0 4491 89f1 f87c0a3c6587 thumb Dove with bond and cj Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 19.75
(197.5 pts)
November 25, 2021 E48428ea 3afc 4b7d 9c46 6d3c4cf382db thumb 626344eb 9205 4c1f a00d 7d931c44f8fd thumb 86a14d38 2b57 43a4 b465 f0b1c598d982 thumb Dove with Sebby! Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 19.75
(187.625 pts)
November 21, 2021 Abd93d79 9999 4842 9698 b3f5413bf000 thumb 0734de52 1040 455c 8e78 d5847fd4b016 thumb 9a7ff6fd 0594 4df0 b5bb c2b81eef7c52 thumb Dove with max Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 17.75
(177.5 pts)
November 21, 2021 5444c7cd 27b4 48be be60 5b1e7a9ceff3 thumb 5355a30f dd24 4004 b9f5 e46cc1e8b5e1 thumb 950ac929 326a 4d33 a08a 66639a818ae4 thumb Dove with max Show
Rockscallop thumbRock Scallop 5.75
(140.875 pts)
November 21, 2021 Dee238e1 ba2b 41fa b089 ec8186d3c180 thumb 5b3d21d9 8122 4cd6 b7ae accf7886b9f6 thumb 97de220d d6fb 4391 b91f 59327fd388df thumb Dove with max Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 15.0
(165.0 pts)
November 21, 2021 Badc5ce0 f7ff 4886 b0c5 a98a30163263 thumb 6c3694f4 e82b 43dc b8bb 621b476a71ff thumb B0d3e59b bf25 428f b88c f2e6b88d354b thumb Dove with max Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 22.0
(198.0 pts)
September 25, 2021 2bc95174 fa53 4972 b831 658ea9573622 thumb 7e1f0bd5 342f 4983 845b 93f179993238 thumb Beaa4f73 48d7 44bd 8d18 ff255954550f thumb Dove with Daniel! Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 29.0
(188.5 pts)
August 28, 2021 2df5c689 8662 4a99 a5ef 17a2ee9a3341 thumb A3881900 c763 4c32 b681 98a194839122 thumb Bd7c5100 5dcc 44ff a9ac ef4ec2e08db6 thumb 13.5lbs Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 25.5
(165.75 pts)
July 22, 2021 7119ad22 72b4 4b2d 954c e02f36785717 thumb 0e531134 e5ec 494b 9009 ade296a7d2bd thumb Aff885a6 0295 4423 b7ba 05e716a729cc thumb Dove with Tich Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 17.5
(175.0 pts)
June 11, 2021 C5be805f 026c 471b a23c 0f6ee14cec5a thumb 6be9cb6d 3d0b 4aa2 9d34 918cfd4164fe thumb  Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.75
(192.625 pts)
April 25, 2021 C36eb0ce 3586 47af 9181 cca4b18897ee thumb Dce84eb1 aef0 4ad5 8482 b0c1b3d483fe thumb 12953274 f85f 46b1 88f9 a98a52975330 thumb Dove with Daniel Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 18.5
(175.75 pts)
April 25, 2021 9ff4fef9 a047 44dc 9c2b f5b1510f15a1 thumb Fc434acd ce70 4272 9726 404ae9a08567 thumb F479c397 a43e 4036 97a7 92e957cca86f thumb I thought it was bigger :/ Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 23.5
(188.0 pts)
April 17, 2021 D22da81b 5531 4d3f af0a 7314ea2ff9db thumb 22a6185e 59ae 44e8 b8f0 285e53e2bdc6 thumb Eca88de9 76ec 4ea3 9e9e d658b4c65d48 thumb Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 16.0
(200.0 pts)
January 18, 2021 935ab4d8 3c90 4025 a7b0 cc50d7c2fa79 thumb C8acc616 f262 4254 a203 7abcd7ed3196 thumb 32aacbe0 8329 42d4 8a6f 3f081c4ff980 thumb Dove with Matt Bond and Brandon Casey. Flat top water with ripping currents on the bottom. Made regular drops to 50’ feel like 80’ Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 27.0
(182.25 pts)
January 15, 2021 870f32d0 5424 41bf 80ab a025471e110f thumb C8c8455f 73fb 4f8b 875a 67becd1a8735 thumb E7071bcf 5031 4831 82e9 31351b7092a3 thumb Dove with Kelp_creeper, he got all the good eating fish. Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 13.5
(189.0 pts)
January 13, 2021 7dc46dbe 5c7d 48a2 a763 5fe0ac50ea8f thumb 505e2ed8 7216 4d23 88e1 ada009d6290b thumb Fa3d5ab9 c75b 4661 905a 8357c5c59a34 thumb First dive of the year with @kelp_creeper Biggest B&Y I’ve ever seen Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 32.5
(211.25 pts)
December 23, 2020 649e36c4 1cf6 4aff 932e cc146850f778 thumb D5027206 f069 4877 8194 f542460c9155 thumb 409c053e e86b 4a00 b80f 217a2df139cf thumb Very fun day with Darren in bad conditions and in deep water miles out. Kind of crazy you can find exactly what you’re looking for in the ocean. Thanks for paddling so far with me D! Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 34.5
(181.125 pts)
December 12, 2020 Fb61d60e 41f2 46eb 9b81 1c0e6f9d940a thumb Cc165764 1f3c 46ab 9eb3 354292643633 thumb 772f01ca 5dad 4d4f 9461 68cc060b712f thumb Only a 2.5pt increase... but the ocean is being difficult. Dove with Matt Bond and Big Jim said hi. Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 13.25
(185.5 pts)
November 27, 2020 0ad301a1 63f8 4956 9def 1fba5e24fddc thumb E83c9a3d 7013 4469 8d1d 889bab0ebf9f thumb 6f12913a f5cf 4a06 9a24 36fd84c8c7f6 thumb Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 19.5
(195.0 pts)
November 12, 2020 138984b6 d6c1 48b6 9ed3 8fee90cc8794 thumb 4eef72ed f6ee 4c87 aa1a d3b6e9c6c796 thumb 687eea93 a89d 439f 8c81 17f90a3a3cc4 thumb The last grassy I’ll shoot for 2020 Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 18.0
(189.0 pts)
November 12, 2020 4fd369dd 128d 46f5 95e5 9098811be56e thumb 047a4819 82fb 4a00 8763 d9e5373dd7d1 thumb B4a23bf2 e4b3 4f1d 8953 150f658cd803 thumb The last perch I’ll shoot in 2020 Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 29.5
(199.125 pts)
October 10, 2020 A502a62e 18c4 496f 91c2 cefee0f839ec thumb 430e6068 1490 4d01 a554 60ba3597532b thumb 1f22fbbd 6817 4a39 a64d 3054fb93219f thumb With Green Waters Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 18.75
(168.75 pts)
October 03, 2020 713a4eda 52b8 4d3c b037 8388f20ae96b thumb F84f4df6 4649 4f18 9ae0 94500efe6992 thumb 025ad840 dd0b 49fb bba2 8cde1ba68d04 thumb Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 21.0
(189.0 pts)
October 03, 2020 2c5c81ef 25db 4e64 9c5c 08d5238536e7 thumb 6dd98ed9 4bc7 4128 a80c 11d6b8b4d358 thumb 1129a976 73a6 4810 9f4e 71b84e4938be thumb Show
Striped bass medium thumbStriped Bass 24.75
(123.75 pts)
September 15, 2020 0bc2e8e5 c6bc 4526 b86b 0556805c299b thumb 8ccd90c3 46d6 48b1 a767 ec54d8e95e7d thumb 2536d497 da42 45f6 b288 629020cd378e thumb Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 22.75
(147.875 pts)
August 29, 2020 F910f083 bc83 48de 9e8b ee6e31cfbb9e thumb 15a449d4 dafe 4575 8089 fa5a4050e13d thumb 551e5539 1b5e 4293 8b5d 87569c6ef806 thumb @Shaun614 had the luck today Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 17.0
(187.0 pts)
August 28, 2020 5fda2d13 9904 4642 8e95 d0a384672f3e thumb 4c4cc7d3 a544 4cf8 8a83 7eb96bedf768 thumb Ab0d8f25 fcf7 4590 b428 41395f1da2a6 thumb Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 17.75
(186.375 pts)
August 23, 2020 379ef43f 271b 4624 9aff 59230ede3224 thumb 8d4ae06e 1956 4b13 9367 62b33dd53308 thumb 013c5677 fd6f 402c a2cf 8936217b3f9b thumb Dove with OG Matt Bond. Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 19.0
(190.0 pts)
July 18, 2020 16a9375a fae8 41a7 a0d1 d0dec294d8ea thumb Cdceb4da 7e83 4af8 bb89 4d2064acdae5 thumb 56ea03dc 96af 4d5f 9225 1e64451dffa4 thumb Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 20.25
(192.375 pts)
June 26, 2020 Dbec3ab9 1bc4 4666 ac07 7f075bedfb5b thumb 7f9b9e9b d96f 46da 86e7 10381d8bc267 thumb 09737509 1c25 4651 9cc8 6096d718a60c thumb Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 23.75
(190.0 pts)
June 26, 2020 67fd1c2a 7839 4441 b602 6cd2d866cdf1 thumb 21290fe4 b887 4ee6 bc2b f32770ea8772 thumb Cd490162 674a 4544 ad66 6a6e3f3e7dc3 thumb Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 34.0
(178.5 pts)
June 19, 2020 Dc3144dc 1c9e 4019 90df cd168e39691b thumb 7176df89 9d89 4135 9183 eedf420f8037 thumb  One hell of a day Show
Striped bass medium thumbStriped Bass 21.0
(105.0 pts)
June 14, 2020 8fc3c1ee d775 4f7e b08a 20b065d27043 thumb 4f1bb278 a953 4b6a 8ac7 377cd5f25788 thumb 7b0a56f6 709b 4069 be46 62d0f7f2993a thumb This was a fun one. "Well done, Jacob! Congratulations!!!" - Eric Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 32.25
(169.3125 pts)
June 12, 2020 2dafdf7e 24bd 4182 9327 83f096661839 thumb 0b87169a 8866 482a bb11 bd4e2d9392b7 thumb F6dac2bd d022 4947 8761 f0f6d45d25fb thumb Show
Copper rockfish fishid2 thumbCopper Rockfish 13.0
(130.0 pts)
May 28, 2020 E3ce63a5 7b12 4709 bfc1 c4ead2c37d53 thumb 92d1096b 6173 4401 a97e 246707455102 thumb D3d260c9 ea82 49a5 8403 81af19da79ba thumb Eh Show
Rockscallop thumbRock Scallop 7.5
(183.75 pts)
May 28, 2020 83c2c634 951e 42ca 9d38 5936b8d4a2c0 thumb 1477da73 e0ed 4b0e 9d0b 641315e05fa5 thumb Af22ade8 87d7 436c 9e74 7e7731bf2ad5 thumb Not eh Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.75
(192.625 pts)
March 28, 2020 627aba7d f309 4973 9c5c 1ade0e53f2a0 thumb 89acc1bc 1d5b 4141 a954 5609e6c4cc1d thumb E4f58470 51dc 43fe ad13 f5e0f069caf8 thumb Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 20.0
(180.0 pts)
March 20, 2020 9bb58d01 1213 4380 a19d 16383581189e thumb Bd605eea d21c 42e7 9f62 2a064eae33b1 thumb A0c8a4c9 8cc5 41c1 9514 636e94f6d6bf thumb Fourth drop I got a verm and my last drop I got this slightly bigger one. I was looking for grassys... I’ve never seen that fish before and clearly I don’t know where they live lol Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 15.75
(196.875 pts)
March 09, 2020 44e38d24 bed7 4604 9dea 2bc57eb38269 thumb 6cf8c358 67f5 4c54 92ab 8bada384009c thumb 89041be8 98ae 412e a108 97b9f474d9e0 thumb Upgrade Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 13.0
(182.0 pts)
February 22, 2020 3c69fc8d fc2d 49c4 9ba8 d6a9ed147914 thumb 40f6a217 26a2 4b54 823d 3a57fa27fe6a thumb A8f33331 348f 433c 8463 802ffb0b7f28 thumb Black and yellow Show
