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Data Charts for Kelp_Creeper


Listing All Accepted Entries for Kelp_Creeper (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 14.0
(196.0 pts)
January 29, 2022 0be2f566 dc73 4db6 84f6 11185cd9bfb1 thumb 25d09372 9854 4c78 9edb 8a0d8371700f thumb 42dd123e b4b0 40c6 9f6e 7090a7b91338 thumb Diving with Jacob going for scallops. Saw a couple big B&Y and finally put my gun next to one and measured it at about 14”. What a beast! Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 19.5
(195.0 pts)
December 29, 2021 94332d3f b1bd 4738 b2b7 b76a2f1f9eda thumb 5399f0be ebf9 480b b250 8d85b22671bc thumb Bb2803cb 402c 4a90 bc69 636f019eba13 thumb Diving with alyssa Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 18.5
(185.0 pts)
November 30, 2021 A1926579 6b32 4ac0 b8b7 1195d1cd4132 thumb 53cbd6ef 13cb 444d abf1 40dac62ba691 thumb 05a4e901 70fe 4286 ada0 a24dbceaf504 thumb Diving with Slamson Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 12.75
(178.5 pts)
November 28, 2021 Bb10f6cb eaba 44d4 a2e4 ff69a711ad4c thumb 7e74295a a7df 485c a329 31ab7616c14c thumb 30c203ac 9eec 4b22 8aab 826dff8f5ad4 thumb Diving with Jack Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 16.0
(176.0 pts)
November 28, 2021 Db845246 2aa6 4fba 9593 ef75a5f0534d thumb 229ed920 f872 48d7 9871 0eb55fea9419 thumb 2d102ea2 f21c 4a61 9c60 317c06c5b7c5 thumb Diving with Jack Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 26.5
(178.875 pts)
November 03, 2021 E60f6c03 cb68 49d6 bada 2f55f4f0a9ed thumb A9f98e66 638a 4281 b9b1 4fbb3fddb092 thumb 8d698c26 c7b4 45a6 97ab 42b4f128dd56 thumb Diving with Alyssa Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 16.5
(173.25 pts)
November 03, 2021 2d36ca5e 7bc7 48fe 89dd 66feab500e07 thumb 8251b8d5 0be7 449f ae8a ec38aa5a0495 thumb 584a93a4 39d8 48d3 a0d4 af3aa2bac9c9 thumb Diving with alyssa Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 17.25
(198.375 pts)
September 25, 2021 F35dc75c 15b3 457a b929 5d4163ce5e48 thumb 2f23a443 2724 46ff 996b 9f61de436f6c thumb 17cd77df 2cfd 467f adc0 a937cc9c8a69 thumb Diving with Jacob Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 17.0
(153.0 pts)
September 25, 2021 3cd75076 767b 43c8 875b eb56624777a2 thumb 4751d8c1 d11e 4d27 85bb b8d2740bf0c9 thumb 0a2a665e d15f 4197 842d 700cedbda376 thumb Diving with Jacob Show
Striped bass medium thumbStriped Bass 45.75
(228.75 pts)
September 14, 2021 236befd4 f8c8 48f7 b557 e77d344b8f81 thumb 0228b667 6b8c 4f8a aa67 7105d052b96b thumb 881cbad1 4d44 40dd b583 548caf8af775 thumb Dove with Jacob Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 25.25
(164.125 pts)
August 24, 2021 309828f9 45ae 49e7 8fd7 860069b3bc64 thumb Ae87f7b9 7a75 4124 9b57 83804fe7f328 thumb Db7ed9cf 3890 4604 9adb 657e88333d40 thumb Diving with Alyssa Show
Halibut thumb thumbHalibut 31.25
(156.25 pts)
May 06, 2021 077e8286 7820 4444 9bfd 87bdbf0a4a87 thumb 8774b4ee c6d8 4cc3 b9b2 5e009f768819 thumb 56376ed8 f1b2 443a 926e 8e245b460277 thumb Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 19.0
(180.5 pts)
April 25, 2021 E88653ba 9409 40d5 8c33 c3c60ff92e33 thumb 52ee1efa 5263 4fa7 b836 81dbad02e3dc thumb E5c2b2fe 1af4 45fe aee7 156282079118 thumb Diving with Jacob Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.25
(186.875 pts)
April 25, 2021 55a2060a e4e0 4eb9 8b04 c4b3f24cc4b0 thumb 7410a5ca 0b8a 4eeb 80c7 7e12f17b11e8 thumb C0f94775 3612 4a79 8dbd a3862bf051b8 thumb Diving with Jacob Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 21.25
(191.25 pts)
April 25, 2021 F7cb4a53 89d7 412e bd2b 5d985c60ebfa thumb 587bdbf7 0155 45e0 afd5 bc66a2b1ee44 thumb 0db41814 7053 4350 b1bc c3b705f262a3 thumb Diving with Jacob Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 15.0
(135.0 pts)
March 25, 2021 B6834685 6e54 425b 8cfd c3a92f227f64 thumb 41bd1650 519c 4dd8 8774 60e50d49712a thumb E998168d 49db 460d bdb8 efd9df45ce21 thumb Diving with Giray Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 17.5
(175.0 pts)
March 25, 2021 9597809c f767 462f 8191 0f4d0825f440 thumb 611ba46c e988 420e b557 a37d9feeb6e8 thumb Dd8443f2 3996 4ba6 a0cd 7005152132f0 thumb Diving with Giray Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 26.25
(177.1875 pts)
March 25, 2021 7017eca3 f302 4405 84a8 0b073db3e3c0 thumb 1c03ad48 df6f 4849 87b0 b66a861d277f thumb 698e5189 79cb 42df bd3b 42b948f6ffdf thumb Diving with Giray Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 17.25
(112.125 pts)
March 18, 2021 75889a09 a37d 4be7 a9f2 e3e4caed0b56 thumb C76b3dae 5701 44b4 a809 02fb0e69d8c4 thumb E69d5690 288e 48a1 bd01 931f694a16f4 thumb Solo afternoon quest for ceviche Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 14.5
(130.5 pts)
March 18, 2021 4326c7ff 9783 4485 9355 0929b50508cb thumb 546545ce ad47 473d a6e6 a83f3347cb04 thumb 2876b28c 3ee6 43e8 b1db 303d292028f5 thumb Solo olive picking Show
Rockscallop thumbRock Scallop 5.5
(134.75 pts)
March 14, 2021 F0c5238a fb0f 490b a28f 83d62d558d99 thumb 744a556e b9b8 4739 8f86 e72c132c81a9 thumb 60e6fcb3 9dfe 4311 8b28 eb65e010df41 thumb Diving with Alyssa Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 37.0
(194.25 pts)
March 01, 2021 D7389903 0798 4ebf 868e 2a0376c662d4 thumb 547d3683 e7dd 4234 90bc 7f60c2b830c0 thumb  Diving with Matt and Johnny (After much consideration a 1” penalty is given per vote of the board for violating rule #4 -the judges) Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 14.75
(184.375 pts)
February 27, 2021 0943ed98 7416 442c 8939 9901d78eddec thumb 779523eb e9d0 46b7 9fe2 fc85194ad9b8 thumb A6c0765f 0de0 430a aff1 37856182fb43 thumb Diving with Reed Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 23.25
(186.0 pts)
February 10, 2021 Bec9712f a377 4cb7 8b58 de9f440713af thumb E9d3f30c e669 4b8a 8f71 4b30ef590d0f thumb 571dac06 d1bc 4cda 92a0 c6e001cd6647 thumb Diving with Giray and Mike Phillips Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 12.5
(175.0 pts)
January 15, 2021 2cb79937 27f9 4d48 a6f7 80ea5c358ab5 thumb 837f13da 984c 42c8 8302 e6f7370180e4 thumb 380acd0f adff 4ea9 8b9a b3571edbbb15 thumb Diving with Ghost_fins Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 17.0
(170.0 pts)
January 15, 2021 C4fb735f d3c1 4cdc bd55 42c2b47f4fac thumb B20dc5ab 4a85 4950 8186 61efe79cc0f6 thumb C6c4f7c3 6f10 4883 a2c3 fd58ec9cdb49 thumb Diving with Ghost_fins Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 14.0
(175.0 pts)
January 15, 2021 862c9acd ff0c 45b2 81f4 8a8848529061 thumb Efa390de a520 42ce 80e5 343a752695e4 thumb F2c8531d 68b9 48f3 a0f5 2fb23e76ccc3 thumb Diving with Ghost_fins Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 16.0
(168.0 pts)
January 15, 2021 3ba84690 e48f 4ca3 bfce 5655c91f977f thumb 7d2b762b ba12 4bb4 8e39 8e05092c931d thumb C6961b33 8fe5 4ba9 8cec d6663e44412f thumb Diving with Ghost_fins Show
