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Data Charts for IceColdChuck


Listing All Accepted Entries for IceColdChuck (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 18.0
(180.0 pts)
November 05, 2015 20151105 145830 thumb 20151105 145835 thumb 20151105 145839 thumb Show
Rockscallop thumbRock Scallop 8.0
(196.0 pts)
October 24, 2015 20151024 194750 thumb 20151024 194759 thumb 20151024 194805 thumb PB Scallop Show
Halibut thumb thumbHalibut 33.75
(168.75 pts)
August 02, 2015 20150806 062331 thumb 20150806 062346 thumb 20150806 062414 thumb Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 39.5
(207.375 pts)
May 24, 2015 20150524 214818 thumb 20150524 214359 thumb 20150524 214411 thumb Polespeared Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 10.0
(190.0 pts)
May 09, 2015 20150510 151839 thumb   Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 24.5
(196.0 pts)
February 21, 2015 20150221 162249 thumb 20150221 162303 thumb 20150221 162347 thumb Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 15.5
(217.0 pts)
February 15, 2015 20150215 151411 thumb 20150215 151418 thumb 20150215 151429 0  thumb Watch battery died right as I got in, but I suspect this guy was skewered in about 65' (my 75' floatline was barely touching the surface and was fairly plumb) back in a cave I saw this guy and thought "wow that's a monster" then I thought "nah it's probably only like 12 or 13 after I bring it up" then "well I'll take it anyway cuz it probably is fairly large for a China and it's a China, which I like". Polespeared. Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 18.75
(196.875 pts)
February 01, 2015 20150201 155110 thumb 20150201 155115 thumb 20150201 155119 thumb Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.5
(189.75 pts)
February 01, 2015 20150201 154842 thumb 20150201 154845 thumb 20150201 154854 thumb Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 28.0
(182.0 pts)
February 01, 2015 20150201 155355 thumb 20150201 155359 thumb 20150201 155416 thumb 2nd drop of the day, biggest sheep I've caught yet. I saw it, looked away, loaded and positioned myself so that he would swim past. 7' polespear with flopper tip. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 21.75
(195.75 pts)
January 03, 2015 20150103 173819 thumb 20150103 173826 thumb 20150103 173835 thumb Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 27.0
(175.5 pts)
January 03, 2015 20150103 174430 thumb 20150103 174437 thumb 20150103 174446 thumb Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 26.5
(172.25 pts)
December 07, 2014 20141207 165529 thumb 20141207 165536 thumb 20141207 165542 thumb Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 22.5
(202.5 pts)
November 29, 2014 20141129 143405 thumb 20141129 143411 thumb 20141129 143420 thumb Vermassacre, the reds were in this day and our group of divers slew 13 total. Epic day. This one was popped in 40' of water with a 7' gat-ku polespear with flopper tip. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 21.0
(189.0 pts)
September 14, 2014 20140914 142428 thumb 20140914 142443 thumb 20140914 142450 thumb Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 14.25
(199.5 pts)
September 14, 2014 20140914 142741 thumb 20140914 142746 thumb 20140914 142751 thumb Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 17.5
(192.5 pts)
September 13, 2014 20140913 203022 thumb 20140913 203035 thumb 20140913 203044 thumb Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 19.25
(173.25 pts)
August 30, 2014 20140901 230821 thumb 20140901 230834 thumb 20140901 230904 thumb Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 22.5
(213.75 pts)
August 10, 2014 Img 7188 thumb Img 8248 thumb Img 7917 thumb Epic day at a hard to access spot. I speared this guy, another 22" black, and a couple 21"+ blacks. Suffice to say I will be fishing there again. Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 17.25
(198.375 pts)
August 10, 2014 Img 0785 thumb Img 6536 thumb Img 9290 thumb Biggest blue yet, saw a few this size. Adam and I agreed something was very eerie about this exact spot. Tunnels and ravines between pinnacles that dropped down to 60 and 70' my flashlight did nothing to illuminate them. It was the very end of the day and I was nearing 150 drops, but this last spot made my sharky sense tingle. Show
Halibut thumb thumbHalibut 39.0
(195.0 pts)
July 27, 2014 20140728 182921 thumb 20140728 182958 thumb 20140728 183017 thumb My plastic hawg trough broke, so I used some scrap wood and a measuring tape. As usual I murdered this fish with a 7' Gat-ku polespear, used a flopper tip. Show
Halibut thumb thumbHalibut 32.5
(162.5 pts)
July 25, 2014 20140725 173652 thumb 20140725 173700 thumb 20140725 173709 thumb Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 39.75
(208.6875 pts)
July 17, 2014 20140717 162822 thumb 20140717 162845 thumb 20140717 162837 thumb Stoned this beast dead with a single shot from my 7' gat ku polespear. Not particularly deep at 35', head was just poking out of a hole and I could tell right away it was a monster. PB lingcod, and now all my entries have been cleanly taken with a polespear. Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 10.25
(194.75 pts)
June 27, 2014 20140629 110641 thumb 20140629 110741 thumb  First 10" ab!!!! Most brutal hike ever to get it and get it out. I found my money spot. Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 21.5
(204.25 pts)
April 12, 2014 20140412 174436 thumb 20140412 174440 thumb 20140412 174447 thumb Biggest black I've ever seen in the Carmel area. 30' of water with a 6' gat-ku. Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 9.25
(175.75 pts)
April 06, 2014 20140406 155542 thumb 20140406 155547 thumb 20140406 155601 thumb Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 18.75
(178.125 pts)
March 08, 2014 20140308 182203 thumb 20140308 182229 thumb 20140308 182236 thumb Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.75
(192.625 pts)
February 23, 2014 20140223 164521 thumb 20140223 164524 thumb 20140223 164517 thumb I didn't think any of the blues I shot that day were very big, then when I measured them they were all over 16", this was the biggest. 35 fow with a 9' gat-ku polespear. Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 13.75
(192.5 pts)
February 23, 2014 20140223 164750 thumb 20140223 164757 thumb 20140223 164812 thumb Fat little football fish. 30 fow with 9' gat-ku polespear. Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 25.75
(167.375 pts)
February 14, 2014 20140214 145351 thumb 20140214 145359 thumb 20140214 145403 thumb This is my pre-op tranny sheepshead. It looked a lot more male underwater. I was feeling pretty good about this guy until my buddy Kris one upped me with a much more macho 29" sheep only about 30 minutes later. Taken in 35 fow with a 9' gat-ku polespear with flopper tip. Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 16.5
(206.25 pts)
February 14, 2014 20140214 150238 thumb 20140214 150245 thumb 20140214 150250 thumb Big kelpy, I feel like I saw a lot this size that day. Taken with a 9' gat-ku polespear with flopper tip. Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 19.5
(204.75 pts)
February 14, 2014 20140214 145154 thumb 20140214 145207 thumb 20140214 145214 thumb When I got a 19" perch I thought "there's my perch for the year" then I saw this guy hanging out with a group of similar sized guys and I thought "maybe that one is bigger than the one I already have" it was, I'm freezing this guy whole until I can get it to a certified scale and find out if it's the state record. Punched through the gut with a 9' gat-ku polespear with flopper tip in 35 fow. Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 24.5
(159.25 pts)
February 05, 2014 20140206 114733 thumb 20140206 114739 thumb 20140206 114744 thumb 6' gat ku polespear, she fought like a beast and I had to chase her to two different holes, wasn't going to let her get away. Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 16.5
(181.5 pts)
February 05, 2014 20140206 114013 thumb 20140206 114017 thumb 20140206 114023 thumb Nothing special, 6' gat-ku polespear in 40 fow Show
Copper rockfish fishid2 thumbCopper Rockfish 13.25
(132.5 pts)
February 05, 2014 20140206 114246 thumb 20140206 114250 thumb 20140206 114255 thumb 50' of water with 6' gat-ku polespear. So bright red I saw it was a copper from 10' away head on never even seeing the lateral stripe. Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 15.0
(187.5 pts)
January 18, 2014 20140119 140133 thumb 20140119 140141 thumb 20140119 140150 thumb Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 19.0
(171.0 pts)
January 17, 2014 20140117 172636 thumb 20140117 172707 thumb 20140117 172713 thumb This guy ran for a hole in 55' of water and just as he was almost inside I let my spear loose and stoned him cold. The flopper never engaged, and the tip didn't go more than 1.5" in. 7' gat-ku polespear with flopper tip. Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 25.75
(206.0 pts)
January 17, 2014 20140117 173202 thumb 20140117 173209 thumb 20140117 173224 thumb 2nd dive of 2014 3rd cab of 2014. I had just taken a 22" cabbie and I had passed up some others that weren't as big, then I saw this guy with his head just popping out of a hole on the bottom of 35' I stuck my polespear through his eye and realized he was a good sized cab. 7' gat-ku with flopper tip. Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 18.25
(182.5 pts)
January 17, 2014 20140117 173602 thumb 20140117 173608 thumb 20140117 173623 thumb First grassy of 2014 on my 2nd 2014 dive. Found him in 7' of water hanging out in a hole. 7' gat-ku with flopper tip. Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.0
(184.0 pts)
January 17, 2014 20140117 172424 thumb 20140117 172428 thumb 20140117 172447 thumb Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 14.75
(184.375 pts)
January 17, 2014 20140117 173342 thumb 20140117 173346 thumb 20140117 173358 thumb Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 39.0
(204.75 pts)
January 17, 2014 20140119 141133 thumb 20140119 141140 thumb 20140119 141149 thumb 2nd dive of 2014 2nd Lingcod of 2014. I punched this beast through the side with my polespear and he booked it for the opposite exit of the hole. I couldn't fight him long enough and I had to let go and swim for air. I didn't have a float line and when I came back the fish and the spear were gone. I scoured the area and found him holed up not far away. At this point I borrowed robs speargun and put him down. It took many drops to pull him out of the hole he was in with my spear still stuck in his side. Much thanks to Rob for supporting me on those drops. Fish was taken in 55' of water. Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 32.0
(168.0 pts)
January 05, 2014 20140106 153920 thumb 20140106 153950 thumb 20140106 154009 thumb First dive of the year, first lingcod of the year, off to good start. Taken with a 7' gat-ku polespear with flopper tip. Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 18.75
(168.75 pts)
January 05, 2014 20140106 154453 thumb 20140106 154457 thumb 20140106 154508 thumb 2nd olive of 2014, taken with a 7' gat-ku polespear w/ flopper tip Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 19.0
(199.5 pts)
January 05, 2014 20140106 155106 thumb 20140106 155117 thumb 20140106 155124 thumb First Perch of 2014, not too shabby either. 7' gat-ku polespear with flopper tip. Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 28.75
(194.0625 pts)
January 05, 2014 20140106 155429 thumb 20140106 155444 thumb 20140106 155456 thumb First Monkey of 2014. Taken in 40 fow with a 7' gat-ku polespear with flopper tip. Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 18.0
(144.0 pts)
January 05, 2014 20140106 162840 thumb 20140106 162848 thumb 20140106 162901 thumb First Cab of 2014, nothing special. Taken with a 7' gat-ku polespear. Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 12.75
(178.5 pts)
January 05, 2014 20140106 162945 thumb 20140106 162948 thumb 20140106 162954 thumb 7' gat-ku polespear with flopper tip. Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 15.0
(172.5 pts)
January 05, 2014 20140106 163054 thumb 20140106 163101 thumb 20140106 163107 thumb 7' gat-ku polespear with flopper tip Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 25.0
(162.5 pts)
December 08, 2013 20131208 150406 thumb 20131208 150409 thumb 20131208 150414 thumb SWS 35 FOW taken with a 7' Gat-ku. Much thanks to Nathan for spotting this holed up beast. Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 35.0
(183.75 pts)
December 08, 2013 Chuckling thumb Lingtail thumb Charliestringerstraightup thumb SWS 30 fow with a 7' gat-ku polespear. Beast was just free swimming until I stuck him through the side of his neck. Apparently he had been shot in the head before, there was a large healed over scar from where a spear tip had deflected. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 21.0
(189.0 pts)
November 23, 2013 20131123 170616 thumb 20131123 170620 thumb 20131123 170626 thumb Another big ass Vermillion!!! Scored two nice 31" lings that day as well. 6' gat-ku in 40 fow. Great viz!!! Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 19.25
(173.25 pts)
November 15, 2013 20131115 163334 thumb 20131115 163338 thumb 20131115 163343 thumb Red's my favorite color, bitch!!!! Shot three reds in two hours of diving after paddling out from van damme. 30' viz and stabbed to death with a 6' polespear in 45 fow. Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 27.5
(185.625 pts)
October 27, 2013 20131028 090741 thumb 20131028 090754 thumb 20131028 090803 thumb SWS, with a 6' gat ku polespear. Show
Copper rockfish fishid2 thumbCopper Rockfish 13.0
(130.0 pts)
October 27, 2013 20131028 091450 thumb 20131028 091457 thumb 20131028 091530 thumb SWS 45 FOW with a 6' gat ku polespear. First ever copper!!!! Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 17.5
(157.5 pts)
October 25, 2013 20131026 110403 thumb 20131026 110231 thumb 20131026 110237 thumb Big Sur area, maybe 25 FOW, with a 6' gat ku polespear Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.75
(192.625 pts)
October 25, 2013 20131026 110627 thumb 20131026 110636 thumb  Blue upgrade biotch!!! Big sur area, 6' gat ku Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.5
(189.75 pts)
August 17, 2013 20130818 214916 thumb 20130818 214922 thumb 20130818 214930 thumb Blue upgrade, taken in big sur, 35 fow with a 6' gat-ku polespear. 5-7' viz. Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 20.0
(190.0 pts)
August 10, 2013 20130810 162623 thumb 20130810 162652 thumb 20130810 162640 thumb 30-40 fow with a 6' gat-ku polespear. Taken in Albion. Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 9.75
(185.25 pts)
August 10, 2013 20130810 163356 thumb 20130810 163412 thumb  9 7/8" ab. So close to my first 10. Taken in Albion. Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.0
(184.0 pts)
July 28, 2013 20130728 153113 thumb 20130728 153120 thumb 20130728 153124 thumb .25" upgrade in big sur area with a gat-ku polespear with slip tip. Crap visibility 5-6'. Saw some sheep for the first time the day before. I'll keep plugging along. Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 9.5
(180.5 pts)
May 17, 2013 20130520 152135 thumb 20130520 152149 thumb 20130520 152143 thumb A solid 9.5" ab. Sea ranch area in 30' of water. The water was gnarly with strong surge and big winds, only stayed in for an hour and a half but I still scored this guy and a few good scallops. Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 13.75
(192.5 pts)
May 08, 2013 20130508 133825 thumb 20130508 133829 thumb 20130508 133837 thumb Monterey County 25' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Upgrade! Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 15.75
(181.125 pts)
May 08, 2013 20130508 134009 thumb 20130508 134013 thumb 20130508 134017 thumb Monterey County, 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 32.0
(168.0 pts)
May 08, 2013 20130510 104054 thumb 20130510 104104 thumb 20130510 104150 thumb Monterey County, 20' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 16.5
(181.5 pts)
May 06, 2013 20130506 210016 thumb 20130506 210025 thumb 20130506 210036 thumb Greenling upgrade. Mendocino headlands in 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 13.0
(182.0 pts)
May 06, 2013 20130506 210239 thumb 20130506 210247 thumb 20130506 210256 thumb Upgrade, Mendocino headlands 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 17.25
(155.25 pts)
May 05, 2013 20130506 210550 thumb 20130506 210558 thumb 20130506 210607 thumb Russian gulch, 46' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. First Verm ever!!! Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 25.25
(202.0 pts)
May 05, 2013 20130506 214656 thumb 1367902212139 thumb 20130506 213516 thumb Big cabbie, I was on top of him before I even saw the beast, really well camouflaged. Russian Gulch 30' of water with a 6 aluminum polespear. PB!!! Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 17.75
(186.375 pts)
April 27, 2013 20130427 153720 thumb 20130427 153726 thumb 20130427 153732 thumb SWS 40' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Witnessed by Sharkbait Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 26.25
(177.1875 pts)
April 27, 2013 20130428 123200 thumb 20130428 123218 thumb 20130428 123230 thumb SWS 5-10' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Witnessed by Sharkbait. Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 17.5
(218.75 pts)
April 19, 2013 20130419 150318 thumb 20130419 150400 thumb 20130419 150325 thumb Big kelpie!!!! TC 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. BigJim sent some emails on my behalf and it is now confirmed that this is the longest Kelp Rockfish ever documented. Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 18.5
(175.75 pts)
April 19, 2013 20130419 150636 thumb 20130419 150642 thumb 20130419 150648 thumb TC 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Here fishy fishy Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 9.25
(175.75 pts)
April 19, 2013 20130421 154850 thumb 20130421 154946 thumb  TC 30' of water. I was getting ready to clean this guy thinking it was only a 9. I thought about it and measured again and noticed it was almost exactly 9.25 a small upgrade but an upgrade none the less. Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 17.25
(181.125 pts)
April 11, 2013 20130411 151009 thumb 20130411 151014 thumb 20130411 151030 thumb SWS in 35' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Fairly mediocre today. Hazy 20' viz. Fair amount of wind. The fish were hiding and I had a relatively unimpressive overall catch. Small upgrade on perch. Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 16.0
(144.0 pts)
April 03, 2013 20130403 145304 thumb 20130403 145308 thumb 20130403 145312 thumb Wyndamere Point Sonoma, 25' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. First Olive ever!!! Nothing huge but I guess I'll have to take it. Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 9.0
(171.0 pts)
April 03, 2013 20130403 192518 thumb 20130403 192533 thumb 20130403 192544 thumb Wyndamere Point Sonoma. 35' of water. This was the only ab I decided to take today. I spent most my time hunting fish and collecting scallops. It's just a 1/16 shy of 9.25 but I guess that's how it goes. Expect an upgrade. Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 15.25
(175.375 pts)
March 26, 2013 20130326 134408 thumb 20130326 134411 thumb 20130326 134415 thumb Monterey County, 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 31.25
(164.0625 pts)
March 17, 2013 20130317 150224 thumb 20130317 150253 thumb 20130317 150301 thumb SWS in 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Witnessed by Adam415 of NCUH. Upgrade biotch. Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 14.5
(181.25 pts)
March 16, 2013 20130316 163502 thumb 20130316 163506 thumb 20130316 163513 thumb SWS in 20' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Witnessed by KirktheImpaler. I forgot my Hawg trough at home, had to bust out the golden rule. Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 24.25
(163.6875 pts)
March 16, 2013 20130316 220439 thumb 20130316 220446 thumb 20130316 220852 thumb SWS in 35' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Witnessed by Kirktheimpaler. Forgot the Hawg trough at home and had to bust out the golden rule. Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 15.0
(172.5 pts)
March 12, 2013 20130312 150210 thumb 20130312 150216 thumb 20130312 150229 thumb Carmel River in 35-40' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Witnessed by BigJim and Desertdiver. Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 18.75
(187.5 pts)
March 01, 2013 20130301 153426 thumb 20130301 153430 thumb 20130301 153435 thumb SWS 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Witnessed by Desertdiver Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 14.0
(175.0 pts)
March 01, 2013 20130301 153632 thumb 20130301 153639 thumb 20130301 153644 thumb SWS 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Witnessed by desertdiver. Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 24.0
(192.0 pts)
February 23, 2013 20130223 164455 thumb 20130223 164459 thumb 20130223 164505 thumb SWC just under 40' of water, with a 6' aluminum pole spear paralyzer tip, stab, grab, catch a cab!!! Jejeje Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 13.75
(171.875 pts)
February 23, 2013 20130224 182523 thumb 20130224 182529 thumb 20130224 182533 thumb SWC 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 20.0
(160.0 pts)
February 17, 2013 20130217 173122 thumb 20130217 173126 thumb 20130217 173143 thumb SWC 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 27.5
(144.375 pts)
February 17, 2013 20130217 173419 thumb 20130217 173427 thumb 20130217 173433 thumb SWC 30' of water with a 6' aluminium polespear Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 17.0
(178.5 pts)
February 17, 2013 20130217 172705 thumb 20130217 172729 thumb 20130217 172712 thumb SWC 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 15.0
(165.0 pts)
February 16, 2013 20130217 204349 thumb 20130217 204355 thumb 20130217 204414 thumb SWC 30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 12.5
(175.0 pts)
February 16, 2013 20130219 110950 thumb 20130219 111002 thumb 20130219 111013 thumb SWC 20-30' of water with a 6' aluminum polespear. I wasn't going to enter it at first cuz it's not that big but whatever it's an entry Show
