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Data Charts for jggers


Listing All Accepted Entries for jggers (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 21.75
(195.75 pts)
December 12, 2021 E2d3643a 8c59 47b2 996c a4bbba42450b thumb 5824574c 1c55 49b8 96c3 78e27b6b4422 thumb Ad909667 fe73 4ab5 8b9a 26e12c39e138 thumb Dove with Slamson and Sancho. They kept telling me that there were reds around. Slamson tried to flip my kayak for anchoring up too close to him. So I paddled a bit away and shot this red sized Olive that was in a hole. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 18.0
(162.0 pts)
December 12, 2021 C49b042b 427b 4774 be62 830e0a0eaba5 thumb 4a492f3c c122 44de b8a5 31416b36e372 thumb 7e873f6f 3e31 4946 b626 06d35e8c4361 thumb Dove with Sancho. He already had 3 giant dead reds roasting in the sun on his kayak so I needed to try and catch up. Punched a dive to 300 feet and managed to land this guy. His name is Leonard. Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 13.5
(168.75 pts)
December 12, 2021 D7ed4973 0b26 4cad 9200 253386d208f5 thumb 79bdcc20 ddfe 4f7a bd7e fde1893ce546 thumb 2eb2b238 6dc6 4e4f b193 a5fbd640c517 thumb I swear to god this was a red and transformed as I brought it to the surface. Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 18.5
(148.0 pts)
December 05, 2021 7e7a256a 2067 4bc0 8d23 00d417b77d5e thumb   Show
Copper rockfish fishid2 thumbCopper Rockfish 15.75
(157.5 pts)
December 05, 2021 7ed835b2 e1a7 464d 9ea8 072509d49544 thumb   Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 15.5
(155.0 pts)
December 05, 2021 2108dd6e 7b08 4868 bad1 32afb3f61d2c thumb   Show
Halibut thumb thumbHalibut 28.25
(141.25 pts)
December 05, 2021 D058075a cabc 431b bfba 11b507358c47 thumb   Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 11.75
(146.875 pts)
December 05, 2021 Ff9fc3d8 7d12 4c3d b456 8b4fa39a37ab thumb   Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 23.0
(120.75 pts)
December 05, 2021 136390be 33eb 4cde 943b 636d2c7b4943 thumb   Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 15.0
(135.0 pts)
December 05, 2021 6e5a3874 c3f1 4e1c 851b e6f722a9a4cd thumb   Show
