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Data Charts for rob102


Listing All Accepted Entries for rob102 (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 26.0
(208.0 pts)
August 06, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 21.0
(199.5 pts)
July 14, 2015 Image thumb   With Adam415 at Albion. Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 24.5
(196.0 pts)
July 14, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb  With Adam415 at Albion. Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.0
(184.0 pts)
July 12, 2015 Image thumb   With Adam415 at Albion. Show
Rockscallop thumbRock Scallop 8.75
(214.375 pts)
March 14, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 19.0
(180.5 pts)
March 14, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 21.0
(189.0 pts)
March 14, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 18.5
(166.5 pts)
March 12, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Big Jim's birthday Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 24.75
(160.875 pts)
March 12, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Big Jim's birthday Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 36.75
(192.9375 pts)
March 12, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Big Jim's birthday Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 19.5
(185.25 pts)
May 19, 2014 Black 1 thumb Black 2 thumb Black 3 thumb Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 10.25
(194.75 pts)
May 19, 2014 Ab 1 thumb Ab 2 thumb Ab 3 thumb Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 37.5
(196.875 pts)
April 09, 2014 Ling 37.5 thumb Ling 37.5 2 thumb Ling 37.5 3 thumb Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 22.5
(180.0 pts)
January 18, 2014 Cab 22.5 1 thumb Cab 22.5 2 thumb Cab 22.5 3 thumb Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 23.0
(155.25 pts)
January 17, 2014 Mfe 23 thumb Mfe 23 2 thumb Mfe 23.3 thumb Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.5
(189.75 pts)
January 17, 2014 Blue 16.5 1 thumb Blue 16.5 2 thumb Blue 16.5 3 thumb Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 16.5
(206.25 pts)
January 09, 2014 Kelp 16.5 thumb Kelp 16.5 2 thumb Kelp 16.5 3 thumb With Dan S. Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 14.5
(130.5 pts)
January 09, 2014 Olive 14.5 thumb Olive 14.5 2 thumb Olive 14.5 3 thumb With Dan S. Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 26.0
(169.0 pts)
January 09, 2014 Sheep 26 thumb Sheep 26 2 thumb Sheep 26 3 thumb With Dan S. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 20.5
(184.5 pts)
January 08, 2014 Red 20.5 thumb Red 20.5 2 thumb Red 20.5 3 thumb @ 52 FOW With Dan S. and RottieOwner Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 14.5
(152.25 pts)
January 08, 2014 Perch 14.5 thumb Perch 14.5 2 thumb Perch 14.5 3 thumb With Dan S. and RottieOwner Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 11.0
(154.0 pts)
January 08, 2014 Bny 11 thumb Bny 11 2 thumb Bny 11 3 thumb with Dan S. and RottieOwner. Two for one. Didn't mean to shoot this fish. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 22.0
(198.0 pts)
September 15, 2013 22red1 thumb   Upgrade. Shot 2 this size the day before and cleaned them before I thought to measure. Fortunately, I found one the next day while diving with Joshua R Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 17.0
(187.0 pts)
September 04, 2013 Green 9 4 17in thumb   Upgrade. Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 25.25
(202.0 pts)
July 06, 2013 Cab24.jpg3 thumb   Upgrade. Diving with Adam415. About 35 FOW with 10' vis Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 17.0
(178.5 pts)
July 06, 2013 Rl.jpg2 thumb Rl.jpg3 thumb  Upgrade. Diving with Adam415. 20 FOW 10' vis Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 24.0
(156.0 pts)
July 06, 2013 Sh243 thumb Sh244 thumb Sh24 thumb Diving with Adam415. 35 FOW 10' vis surgey Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.25
(186.875 pts)
July 05, 2013 Blue16.25.jpg3 thumb Blue16.25.jpg2 thumb Blue16.25.jp4.jpg5 thumb Upgrade. Diving with Adam415. 30 FOW 10-15' vis and surgey. Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 14.5
(145.0 pts)
June 23, 2013 Grassy1 thumb Grassy2 thumb  17 FOW. With Adam 415. Terrible vis Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 21.0
(189.0 pts)
June 18, 2013 6 18 red.jpg0 thumb   Upgrade. Murky day about 40 FOW. With Jason S. Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 15.0
(165.0 pts)
June 08, 2013 Gl3 thumb Gl4 thumb Gl5 thumb Upgrade. Took this greenling at the big ab big ling comp. With Adam415 at Arena Cove. Terrible conditions. Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 23.0
(155.25 pts)
May 27, 2013 Mfe 23 overall 3 thumb Mfe 23 tail thumb  First ever MFE. About 30 FOW. 5' vis. Show
Copper rockfish fishid2 thumbCopper Rockfish 12.75
(127.5 pts)
May 26, 2013 Copper 12.75 thumb   Murky day 10' vis at best. Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 10.5
(199.5 pts)
May 10, 2013 Ab 10.5 thumb Ab 10.5 4 thumb Ab 10.5 2 thumb Subsurface Progression in Fort Bragg official measurement was 10 17/32. Currently 2nd place in Mendo big ab comp. Ab was only 7.2 lbs, all shell. Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 14.25
(149.625 pts)
May 08, 2013 Perch 14.25 thumb Perch 14.25 2 thumb Perch 14.25 3 thumb Taken in Mendocino. Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 15.0
(172.5 pts)
May 08, 2013 Blue 15 thumb Blue 15 2 thumb Blue 15 3 thumb Taken in Mendocino. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 19.75
(177.75 pts)
May 04, 2013 Doty red 19.75 thumb   Taken in Fort Bragg. Diving with Fuzz. I was a little surprised to find this fish while ab diving in about 25 FOW. Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 21.5
(172.0 pts)
May 04, 2013 Doty cab 21.5 thumb   Taken in Fort Bragg. Diving with Fuzz. Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 10.0
(190.0 pts)
May 04, 2013 Doty ab 10 1 8 thumb Doty ab 10 1 8.jpg2 thumb  Taken on N Coast with Fuzz. Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 17.25
(155.25 pts)
April 28, 2013 Olive 4 thumb   Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 21.25
(201.875 pts)
March 31, 2013 Black closed mouth thumb Black length thumb Black 21 thumb Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 39.75
(208.6875 pts)
March 31, 2013 25lb ling thumb Ling tail thumb 25 ling length thumb Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 14.0
(196.0 pts)
March 30, 2013 China 14 thumb   Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 15.0
(187.5 pts)
March 30, 2013 Kelpie 15 thumb   Show
