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Data Charts for Solow


Listing All Accepted Entries for Solow (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 19.5
(175.5 pts)
March 01, 2021 C890d6b0 f038 4464 a7db f5ab50a41d15 thumb 91aaaa19 4b85 45f7 bdca 26d61ce72719 thumb 87338659 acdd 48f7 8d2c e16c01391eb1 thumb Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 28.0
(189.0 pts)
November 01, 2020 23657487 c1db 4068 8fe2 312c2ef60fd1 thumb D887cf26 69ac 4525 a99a 8c862a8db12d thumb 942302f6 8603 47f9 854a 5bb9c4fa6752 thumb Re submit Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 18.0
(189.0 pts)
October 30, 2020 5a95f65f 01f4 4e5a 88a2 6a18ccccd528 thumb 53951b37 3b4b 4ea7 a4e3 87f247e91ca8 thumb Bc3af1ab 83d8 4f4d bc4c 3ef0991ffed7 thumb Halloween eve Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 21.0
(199.5 pts)
October 29, 2020 C8f96e07 f10f 472c b79e 5618f43ab9f2 thumb B17f6fc7 b702 4d9a be6b 71c02b4ea304 thumb 97d60638 6ff3 49c3 b60a eb441879f09e thumb Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 13.5
(168.75 pts)
October 18, 2020 28c30941 f7eb 47aa 984f edee84dd92f6 thumb   Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.75
(192.625 pts)
October 18, 2020 Ab760047 32b3 4721 b545 ea2ea6876ceb thumb   Fun with Em Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 18.0
(162.0 pts)
October 18, 2020 3fc6f45f d43d 4003 b94c d692e7aaaf80 thumb   Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 14.0
(175.0 pts)
October 09, 2020 F4da0826 888f 4508 9b22 be967f211697 thumb   Upgrade with Emm - Edited to kelp rockfish - DOTY Committee Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 15.5
(170.5 pts)
September 09, 2020 D5e72a11 5de4 431d b74a d7fe5c71c2b8 thumb A6b14aca 1034 47c3 a4db 7b4fc1c770ce thumb  Solow Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 18.5
(175.75 pts)
September 02, 2020 04f172d0 62e3 4fba acf3 07f4f55b6eb2 thumb   The usual suspects, Maistre and Me. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 21.0
(189.0 pts)
August 15, 2020 53bdef90 b562 4808 8033 e1a93f4ea26c thumb   With Keener, chased this one a good distance into a hole. Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 16.75
(159.125 pts)
July 27, 2020 92b01578 9ed5 4d0a bb29 29b68fba7311 thumb   Solow dive Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 24.0
(162.0 pts)
July 15, 2020 7e2c8b51 c087 44de a25a 8e9ceef2efe5 thumb 055995ea f0d2 4f01 a6f2 c8c7243e15ac thumb A8ee300e d7e8 49dc aa09 1d0f2c0160b8 thumb Newness Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 12.0
(168.0 pts)
June 11, 2020 Image thumb   Yep 2 more inches Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 10.25
(143.5 pts)
June 09, 2020 99268512 7d75 4a4b a5e9 0a95377b23dc thumb   Spearo Emm and Solow Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 14.0
(154.0 pts)
June 09, 2020 8db8c41e 3990 436c 90e4 f0d4a799f0eb thumb   Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 30.0
(195.0 pts)
April 15, 2020 E132d200 6e3b 49b6 b222 6b33dfa21a68 thumb 2ccdd653 0186 4a89 a253 b285b2f0d074 thumb A9dae1e2 1ac5 4fc0 8b39 95a871b1a688 thumb Dive with Emm Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 16.0
(152.0 pts)
March 29, 2020 987bdac5 263c 4f49 81ab f006a6a9a005 thumb 5edb6923 4714 47cf 8584 4afb3b60635d thumb 2cd31d91 3ed7 4f85 a4bd b67a1dc1aaff thumb Fun with Emm!! Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 19.5
(175.5 pts)
March 29, 2020 Ea2d9d6d 7fdd 4db3 b616 d83f0e254ed6 thumb 63801c0d 57d8 4727 bea9 87424c41b0b1 thumb C6f85605 008c 4820 a763 0e01ffa3e3dd thumb Dove with Emm Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.5
(189.75 pts)
March 24, 2020 55f2a6fd 57e3 4be3 82a9 5cea1a9992c1 thumb 808f6f31 6756 4fa9 ac78 89e1e0c5f0fa thumb 537d3aeb ca19 4d69 adce a2248fd8a88a thumb Submitted as 16.75, reduced to 16.5 - DOTY Committee Show
Rockscallop thumbRock Scallop 6.25
(153.125 pts)
March 24, 2020 432aab24 d0fd 4862 a44f ba0cda5fa13a thumb 802dba4c b37e 4139 b46c 59e8ff9899f2 thumb Eb1c4aa2 ff0b 40b3 b73c 4c25239a4e68 thumb Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 17.75
(159.75 pts)
March 21, 2020 3c9f7d93 2562 40c6 a03d 889035cea6db thumb 2930867e 948c 4c7c 8d55 2e95958fadf8 thumb 9a2b3522 42e0 4c1a 95e9 d518980af554 thumb Decent size olive Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 27.5
(178.75 pts)
March 21, 2020 4a37917e 2c66 446f 9bd6 731e2bfdf6a6 thumb 64cb99b6 618a 477a a4ee 55314b69c872 thumb 234e98b6 455c 4584 8286 87b53b2b01ba thumb Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 13.0
(149.5 pts)
March 21, 2020 5f361711 0679 4953 ad79 4690a7194a42 thumb Aabdd8f1 ea74 45ae 8460 4d4966faaf30 thumb 903e25d2 54a9 46be 939c 15bbe454b21f thumb Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 14.0
(133.0 pts)
March 21, 2020 B5112df8 8927 441d a9bc 3984c3a0e6f1 thumb Ac15bbbc 0e93 4473 9178 6fd51cd49cd8 thumb 5b066d7f c76e 4341 9ac0 e660d6bfc882 thumb Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 16.75
(167.5 pts)
March 17, 2020 Img 1108 2 thumb Download  2  thumb Download  3  thumb Made it 16.75. Matt and I discussed the need for the tail to at least cover the line and not just touch it. - DOTY committee Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 16.25
(170.625 pts)
March 17, 2020 Img 1104 2 thumb Download  6  thumb Download  7  thumb I added .25 to your 16" submission due to the tail clearly being nearly to the .5 line - DOTY committee Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 22.75
(182.0 pts)
March 17, 2020 Cab thumb Download  9  thumb Download  10  thumb I made it 22.75 due to tail not covering a portion of the 23" line - DOTY committee Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 34.0
(178.5 pts)
February 19, 2020 7ce9af0f 9b52 4235 a52b a7e3a476c232 thumb 36e0e26b e5e0 42a5 9ff8 111af01c2f30 thumb  Thought he was bigger but 34” 20lbs is still my PB. Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 26.0
(175.5 pts)
March 20, 2018 1daf7703 edda 4ac1 9bca f8cb8fb870fa thumb F12311df 757d 4916 a4e2 a351ab2a96d9 thumb 75b58a05 780d 43aa bedb 4ba80138b48c thumb Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 17.0
(136.0 pts)
March 12, 2018 718b89a2 4db4 4d07 b4c5 c13349bf5671 thumb 501e8fd5 22fd 4e2f 93ad 593af85f3aa4 thumb 5ef12384 a9e8 4698 99d5 28db32011f60 thumb Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 24.0
(162.0 pts)
March 12, 2018 617701e8 ecca 41ca 98c3 ed083f241acd thumb F7bfd972 968e 4f88 b0ac e691236410df thumb 0882cca9 010b 4a9e a4fd 634baede0341 thumb Show
