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Data Charts for Sebbybass


Listing All Accepted Entries for Sebbybass (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 21.25
(170.0 pts)
November 25, 2021 42cae9b8 bec3 4c33 a59d b87382c68409 thumb D2c04514 f1a2 4ca4 add9 a79a1dae172b thumb 9cc1a4a4 1290 43dd 9434 8bd3372f73c6 thumb Dove with jacob Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 17.75
(177.5 pts)
November 25, 2021 05ffdab1 318b 4ccb 915b eafd5227e1c6 thumb 7b4caac1 6195 4e86 976d ea4fc3de40e3 thumb Fc4b344c 2d74 42e0 90da 063fd6695753 thumb Dove with jacob Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 14.75
(140.125 pts)
November 25, 2021 61e1aea3 09d2 4e90 b213 332d6d63d6cf thumb 00985d71 ab98 43ce a1f9 253fd8438af8 thumb 4a66c6b3 d8d8 40b3 aeaa 84534108b2ac thumb Dove with jacob Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 23.75
(124.6875 pts)
May 23, 2021 2772b71b 4808 41ce 8fd4 196c35ff5adc thumb 9f25faf2 0745 484f a453 5d681d4b3837 thumb 875fb2da 3510 4309 8714 82a192a67b54 thumb Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 27.0
(182.25 pts)
May 23, 2021 9b3fccdb 21b8 4048 8c8b 1fa365d2292d thumb 7b10d837 e610 409c 85d7 edbb7d08d9bc thumb F3464fb4 231d 46e5 ad2c 50f958231bea thumb Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 16.25
(162.5 pts)
May 23, 2021 D828a2fc b825 4ae2 9523 cc46f425ac68 thumb 2edf0df4 8bb5 4e15 a198 6c28b4b6e5a5 thumb  Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 14.0
(175.0 pts)
February 06, 2021 0a208f28 1227 4308 bb32 9c08f2ebaa3e thumb B06fc234 adfd 4d5f 9aaf cbd577893926 thumb  Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 12.25
(171.5 pts)
February 06, 2021 5721476c fe8d 4e63 bb81 8b280086c2d3 thumb 776c7534 0cf8 4228 8cf1 0bcf933e2097 thumb  Show
