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Data Charts for Bobby_Seal


Listing All Accepted Entries for Bobby_Seal (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 16.0
(144.0 pts)
January 11, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 14.0
(147.0 pts)
January 06, 2015 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Solo dive out of Lover's ... Saw some cabs and some kelpys but nothing worth a shot. Took this guy just to put some points up. Going back out friday. LGS Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 16.25
(203.125 pts)
December 06, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Saw this guy leading a school of big blacks and decided to take the Kelpy in about 15-20 fow. Good day with the LGS boys. Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 12.5
(118.75 pts)
December 06, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb This little black looked bigger from a distance. I was getting greedy after a few difficult drops due to poor equalization. Worth it for a couple of good fish tacos! LGS Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 22.5
(151.875 pts)
November 29, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Good mid-day shore dive with Sean Otter. Got out before the rain. Couldn't ask for better in November. Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 20.5
(164.0 pts)
August 29, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Solo Dive in Carmel. Vis was deceiving. When I first got in I thought it was going to be shitty but it turned out to be perrty good for a Seal like me! Saw this dude on my 4th or 5th drop and stoned him with a 6' pole spear. Waddup though!!! First log, but definitely not my last! -LGS Show
