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Data Charts for Stone85


Listing All Accepted Entries for Stone85 (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 12.75
(133.875 pts)
August 18, 2017 Img 0521 thumb Img 0522 thumb Img 0523 thumb Albion Ca birthday weekend meat was very mushy Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 9.25
(175.75 pts)
August 18, 2017 Img 0517 thumb Img 0520 thumb Img 0519 thumb Birthday weekend Albion Ca I really need to get a better measure board Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 8.25
(156.75 pts)
May 06, 2017 Img 3989 thumb Img 3991 thumb Img 3992 thumb Need to get a better fish measure stick as this one is hard to read. Takin at van damme on a terrible day Show
